Coach handbags are exquisite, priceless items created by the world-renowned designer of the same name. The lining in a replica Coach handbag won't be nearly as impeccable. Replica Coach Handbags tend to miss out on some important but unnoticeable detail, such as the Gucci brand name signature.
If anyone told you that your Coach handbag is a replica and you actually bought a real one, wouldn't you ensure that the truth be told instead? When you buy fake coach purses, they lose revenue and this does not help them produce more designs in the future or they could release only limited editions with a hefty price tag and to be seen with one you need to live in a posh neighborhood. You could be indirectly assisting terrorism as the money could have been channeled to irresponsible organizations and fund their activities.
You have greater assurance of genuineness if you purchase your replica coach from authorized dealers that issue certificates of authenticity, and who are as real about their customer service as the Coach handbags they sell.