Most leather designer LV handbags are not treated. Keep your bag away from makeup, food, or any other oil based product which can stain. When you are not using your bag, store it in a protective cloth container.
But if you want to choose handbags which not only say something about who you are, but reflect well on your fashion sense, and have the budget to afford one, you will have a hard time going wrong with a Louis Vuitton purse. Before you decide to go in search of your Louis Vuitton lather bags, you need to take a realistic look at you finances. A genuine current season designer handbags wholesale will often retail at six hundred dollars or more, when purchased at a high-end fashion retailer.
Leather is rugged and lasts a long time but it does stain quite easily. Once the spot has been removed it is a good idea to re-condition the leather of cheap handbags wholesale to restore natural luster. Always test a leather product in inconspicuous spot before applying to your entire handbag.